Monday, April 25, 2011

April Meeting Pictures

Click the pictures at left to see all of the photos taken at the April meeting.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April Board Minutes.

Board Meeting Minutes
Colorado Springs Quilt Guild
8 April 2011, 6pm, Ruth’s Stitchery
Laural Hoppes
Susan Reed-Throckmorton
Jeannie Brooks
Ann Seymoure
Lyn Seaver

Tabled discussion on moving board meeting from 6pm to 6:30pm. Will revisit next month.

All things are set for April program.

Charity Quilt March program was a great success.

Games manager training:
April 2 @ Glenwood Springs
April 16 @ Montrose
April 23 @ Golden
May 20 @ Denver
New state statute requires organization treasurer must be game certified.

Guild Raffle Quilt
25 tickets sold at March CQC in Boulder
268 tickets sold at Pueblo Quilt Expo
Jeanie will order 2000 additional tickets to cover sales at Shop Hop, Rocky Mountain Sew Expo and for membership sales.
Raffle Quilt will be shown at Nuts and Bolts (Woodland Park) during Shop Hop. Members are needed to sign up to sell tickets on Friday and Sunday (Saturday is already covered).

Will ask membership if they want guild to join Rocky Mountain Quilt Foundation ($30 annual dues)

Comfort Quilts
Patty Loewenkamp asks Comfort Quilt blocks be made without colored HST in corner. Use white for background and bright fabric for star.
Ann delivered a comfort quilt to Berta Sylvia after her husband’s death in March.

Dana Zimmerman has chosen the pattern “Storm at Sea” for the 2012 Raffle Quilt.

2012 Guild Retreat date changed to Sept 21-23.

Will poll membership to see if they would like Margo Krager, fabric historian, as a possible 2012 program/workshop.

Meeting concluded. Adjourned 8:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lyn Seaver (in Gloria Lesher’s absence)