Guild Information

Mailing Address: CSQG PO BOX 8221, Colorado Springs, 80933 

Meetings are the second Thursday of each month at 6:30,unless postponed by weather (School District 11 delays/closures). We meet at the Senior Center at 1514 North Hancock .

If you would like to join the guild, use the email form to the right and request a registration form. One will be sent to you.

Elected Officers 2012

President Angela Gilpin
1st Vice President (Membership) Lyn Seaver
2nd Vice President (Programs) Nikki Rainey
Secretary Kitty Hindle
Treasurer Jalinda Gieck
Meeting Information
Membership is $20.00 per year and open to anyone with an interest in quilting; no quilting experience is necessary.

CSQG meets at the Senior Center, located at 1514 North Hancock on the second Thursday night of the month, unless postponed by weather (School District 11 delays/closures).

Registration begins at 6:00 pm and the general business meeting starts at 6:30 pm. Guests are asked to pay $5.00 per meeting. Old and new business is discussed followed by a program.

Many of our programs feature nationally recognized quilt teachers and speakers; a $5.00 guest fee is required for all meetings. We also include other general activities such as a monthly raffle, door prizes, secret pals, show-n-tell, put-n-take, yearly auction, and much more.

Charitable contributions of hand made quilts made by members are donated to Safe Passage on a monthly basis.

The CSQG board meets monthly on the first Thursday at 5:30. Meetings are held at Ruth's Stitchery 4440 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs. All members are welcome to attend.

Standing Committees

We have a wide range of on-going programs. Each year, volunteers become committee chairs for these programs, and that's part of what keeps the guild interesting and dynamic.

Auction Sheila Plagman

Block-of-the-Quarter Nikki Rainey
A pattern is handed out for the Block-of-the-Quarter. Make as many blocks as suits you and bring them to the following meeting. For as many blocks as you make, your name will go into a hat to be drawn to win all the blocks at the end of each quarter.

Challenge Quilts Mary Hattick
Each year the guild issues a challenge to the quilters. The chairperson of the challenge determines the rules. For 2013 the members are challenged to make a quilted item from the charm pack they received. The rules are that 1 more than half of the squares must be used, and the whole item must only use solids.

Charity Quilts-Safe Passage Ann Seymoure
Charitable contributions of hand made quilts made by members are donated to the Safe Passage on a monthly basis.

Charity Quilts-Veterans Julie McNames
Quilts made by members are being given to residents of the Veterans Home in Pueblo, CO.

Charm Strips and Squares Terry Putzstuck
Buy ½ yard of material (good quality), wash and iron before you cut. Be sure you have a least 6 strips 2 ½ inches wide, or  6" charm squares (about 18 charms). Bring your strips and/or charms in a ziplock bag with you name and phone number on the bag. The fabric will be swapped and you will get a mixed bag of strips and/or charms at the next meeting.

Comfort Quilts  Susan Reed-Throckmorton
When a guild member gets seriously ill, we want to show them our support and offer them comfort by making a lap size quilt. Blocks are collected and made into tops, then quilted. As the need arises, the quilts are presented to the guild member.

Historian Cheryl Ross
Duties shall include maintenance of copies of all newsletters and minutes of meetings, library materials, records, and any other material of present or future historical interest to CSQG. An inventory of CSQG property will be maintained. The Chairperson will keep records of activities and transfer to successor.

Hospitality Gloria Lesher

Each hostess is asked to bring two dozen goodies and two 2-liter drinks. Please come early enough to set up your treats, and help clean up your leftovers after the meeting.

Monthly Raffle Vickey Anderson
Each month, one of our guild member will donate something for the monthly raffle. Tickets can be purchased at the monthly meeting for $ .50 a ticket.

Newsletter Mary Hattick
Each month of the year a newsletter is produced and sent to all members. If you have anything to add you can email or meet with the chairperson at the meetings.

Put 'n Take Cheryl Griffin
One man's trash is another one's treasure. Bring in quilt books, fabric, yarn, patterns, scraps (no small pieces please) for other guild members to take home.

Raffle Tickets Dana Zimmerman
Each year, the guild auctions off a quilt made by members. After the top is assembled, it is quilted by volunteers of the guild. Every member of the guild helps to sell the tickets. This is a main source of income for the guild.

Raffle Quilt Custodian Dana Zimmerman

The custodian is responsible for knowing at all times where the raffle quilt is.

Secret Pals Debbie Davidson
What is a Secret Pal? Members fill out a form about themselves (birthday, favorite color, patterns, fabrics, etc.) and names are drawn for a "pal" to get to know. With the information provided, members have a chance to surprise their pal with little gifts and cards each month.

Webmaster Mary Hattick 
To contact the guild via email click on the link for the webmaster above.

Past Presidents

1989:  Bobby May
1990:  Gina Sharp
1991: Tina Spiller
1992: Melody Munson
1993: Dawn Wexler
1994:  Diane LeCato
1995: Carla J. Hale
1996:  Kathlyn Tippets
1997:  Jonnie Nottingham
1998:  Jonnie Nottingham
1999:  Lisa Langlais/Ingrid Reed
2000:  Heather Montano
2001:  Eddie Gray
2003:  Cat Mikkleson
2004:  Barbara Shie
2005:  Barbara Shie
2006:  Angela Gilpin
2007:  Angela Gilpin
2008:  Sophie Hamilton
2009:  Barb Czarniecki
2010:  Barb Czarniecki
2011:  Laural Hoppes
2012:  Bonnie Burt