Call to Order: President Bonnie Burt called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. The minutes from our January meeting were approved as published in our newsletter.
Officers Reports:
Treasurer – Kathi LaFrance: We have $22,450.92 in our total account which includes $1846.99 in our raffle account and $20,603.93 in our operating account.
1st VP Membership – Becky Straup reporting for Susan Reed Throckmorton: We had 11 members who renewed their membership this evening. Pat Kramer was introduced as a new member and we had 3 guests. Becky congratulated members who have February birthdays.
Committee Reports:
Secret Pals – Julie McNames: More “old pals” were announced. Our new secret pal round will run from March to September.
Block of the Quarter – Wendy Riggs: Make a Scrap Bag block to participate in our block of the quarter drawing. Please pin your name on any blocks you make so Wendy knows who to enter in the drawing.
Strip & Charm Exchange & a Challenge! – Barb Czarniecki: March colors for the strips and charms will be St. Patricks’ Day / green fabric. Barb is challenging us to make a bag, garment, jacket, vest, etc. using one technique that we’ve never done before for our July meeting. Let Barb know if you’d like to participate.
Monthly Raffle – Mary Ruttner: A beautiful valentine quilt was made by Barb Shie. Our lucky winner was Dana Zimmerman and we raised over $100.00 for our guild!
Charity Quilts & Challenge Quilts - Ann Seymoure: Please bring a charity quilt for show and tell in March. The new executive director of Safe Passage will be at our March meeting. Sign your name on a clipboard to be included in our UFO’s and PIGS (Project In a Grocery Sack) drawings.
Charity Quilts for Veterans – Joan Musick: We are continuing to sew quilts for veterans living at the VA home in Pueblo. Masculine- type fabric donations are requested for this committee! Everyone is welcome to join in and help sew, cut, etc at Ruth’s Stitchery on the Friday’s after our guild meeting from 1:00 – 5:00 or 6:00ish.
Unfinished Business:
*We received our raffle license today and we will soon be ready to sell raffle quilt tickets.
*Nikki Rainey has volunteered to be our comfort quilt chairperson.
*Since the February board meeting was canceled due to weather, the budget will be worked on at a to-be-determined date and the membership will be able to vote on it.
Show and Tell: Remember, when you show us your quilts your name is included in a quarterly drawing for a gift! Members who participated in Show and Tell this month were: Mary Hattick, Carol DiGiacomo, Kitty Hindle, Marsha McCain, Ann Seymoure, Judy Gebben, Cheri Shields, Ramona Johnson, Carol Green, Jeanie Brooks, Janet Frank, Judy Ferguson, Donna Lewis & Kathi LaFrance.
Door Prizes: Winners were: Deborah Jacobs, Nikki Rainey, Barb Rhoads, Kitty Hindle & Kathy Dailey.
Barb Shie: The next CQC meeting will be February 25th in Loveland. The speaker will be Linda Thielfoldt speaking on “Adventures in Wearable Art”. Quilt Colorado will be at the Loveland Embassy Suites July 11 – 15 and you can register for classes starting February 21st at
Nikki Rainey: Piecing Partner’s February 15th speaker is Charlotte Warr Anderson. She will teach a ½ day class on the 15th and a full day class on the 16th. The March 21st meeting will feature Marci Baker from Alicia’s Attic in Fort Collins.
Debbie Korrell: Debbie’s Mom, Jean Woofter, is feeling better and is back with us. Yay!
Bonnie: Presented heart blocks to Laural Hoppes as a thank-you for being our guild president last year.
Next meeting is March 8, 2012 at 6:30 at the Senior Center.
Jeannie Brooks & Cindy Pring presented on strips and charms. Check out the Jelly Roll Race on You Tube! (Only a quilter would enjoy this.)
The meeting was concluded at 8:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary – Gloria Lesher
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
February Meeting Pictures
If you would like to see the pictures from the last guild meeting, click this link or the picture to the left.
Colorado Quilt Council
If you are interested in finding out what is going on with the state guild, you can follow this link. If you click on the Meetings link you get information about where and what will be presented for each month's meeting. In February it will be on February 25, 2012 in Loveland at LifeSpring Covenant Church and will be presented by Linda Thielfoldt: Adventures in Wearable Art. There will also be a workshop: February 26: Taking the Fear out of Machine Quilting. If you are intersted in seeing her website check here:
Every other year CQC puts on a quilting symposium. If you want to have information about the next one, check this link.
Every other year CQC puts on a quilting symposium. If you want to have information about the next one, check this link.
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