Colorado Springs Quilt Guild
February 14, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Angela Gilpin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
There were no additions or corrections to the minutes printed in the last newsletter.
New Members: Guests:
Cynthia McGrew
Karen Axell, Karen
Donna Kunkel
Nikki Rainey (Programs) announced that Annette Kennedy will be the speaker next month. She displayed the sample for next month's workshop and explained that next month's meeting would be held in a different room, it will be a "hands-on" program and members will be seated around tables. Nikki said there will be 6 workshops this year.
Lyn Seaver (Membership) said there are 73 members so far this year. We had three visitors, 7 renewing members and 4 new members (Cynthia McGrew, Karen Axell, Karen Bowman, Donna Kunkel).
Jalinda Gieck (Treasurer) said there is $23,718.85 in the operating account and 640.17 in the raffle account.
Kitty Hindle (Secretary) did not have anything to report.
Committee Reports:
Cheryl Griffin (Put & Take) reported that there was a lot of fabric to be had on the table and anything that was not picked up would be taken to ARC next week.
Dana Zimmerman (Raffle Ticket Sales) reported that the license was received and tickets have been printed. Next month they will be distributed to members for sales. There is a sign-up sheet for members to take the quilt to CQC meetings to sell tickets and also a sign-up sheet for members to man the ticket sales at the Firehouse Quilts Show in Castlerock. There is a $6 fee to get into the show that will not be reimbursed by the guild.
Mary Hattick (Quilt Guild Challenge) Mary talked about the charm squares she has been passing out and explained the rules of the challenge again: You must use 1 more than half of the squares (21 colors). You can add what you want as long as they are solids. Your entry must be quilted and there can be no embellishments or additions. There can be no fabric painting. The reveal will be in December before the Holiday Party.
Mary Hattick (Newsletter / Blog) Mary is distributing 14 newsletter via mail and the rest through e-mail. Mary asked for links to add to the blog, either links to members' quilting websites or links to other quilting websites that may be of interest to other members of the guild. The newsletter is
also available via a link on the blog. Blog:
Ann Seymoure (Charity Quilts) Ann said there had been some confusion as to the number of charity quilts needed for Safe Passage. She said about 100 per years go to children who are being interviewed and examined there as a result of sexual or physical abuse. Approximately another 100 go out "just because" (i.e., to a sibling that is accompanying the victim, to children being placed in foster care etc.) On the 4th Thursday of every month around 11 a.m., the committee meets at Nuts & Bolts to finish quilts. They get lunch across the street as desired.
Debbie Davidson (Secret Pals) asked if the members would prefer to do Secret Pals March - September (7 months) or in 2 sessions of 5 month (March-July and Aug - December). It was decided to do one pass of 7 months. Debbie encouraged members to come sign up at her table.
Eddie Gray (Retreat Committee Chair) Eddie reported that the treat would be at the same facility as last year (Christ Haven Lodge) only this year we would be renting the entire facility and there would be no other groups there at the same time. It will be September 6-8. Rooms will be on a sliding
scale (1st come 1st served). Three to a room will be $175 per person. There are 4 room available. Two to a room will be $200 per person. There are 15 rooms available. One to a room is $225 and there are 3 rooms available. There is room for 45 total. There is a big house on the property that has
1 single room, 2 double rooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room to if a group of members wanted to stay there, they need to tell Eddie ASAP. 3 p.m Friday will be check-in. There will be 2 nights (5 meals). All money must be paid in full by the July meeting. Minimum deposit $50. No refunds. Program will be a mystery quilt and you will receive fabric requirements and cutting instructions. There will be door prizes.
Wendy Riggs (2012 Block of the Quarter) : Donna Lewis won the blocks.
Nikki Rainey (2013 Block of the Quarter) -- Theme is "Christmas All Year Long."
Gloria Lesher (Hospitality) -- Gloria says she has a committee that includes Pati Driscoll and Pat Stephenson. Gloria thanks the ladies who brought food this month: Dolly Copeland, Bev Bauer, Jean Rebello, Debbie Korrell, Barb Rhoads, Barb Czarniecki, Wendy Riggs, Kathy Huber & Pat Stephenson There is a sign-up sheet for bringing food this year. More sign-ups are needed for March and April.
Vickey Anderson (Birthday Party and Monthly Raffle) Vickey showed this month's raffle item which was a basket full of valentine fabrics and goodies
donated by Terry Putzstuck. The raffle netted $87.50
Terry Putzstuck (Strips & Squares) The theme for February is Purple Prints and for March it is Polka Dots. April is Batiks. May is small flowers. June is Black/yellow. July is reproduction prints. August is animal skin prints. September is shades of blue. October is Black/orange. November is
flannel. December is snowmen / snowflakes.
No New Business
No Old Business
Announcements: Please recycle your plastics in the bin provided. Bev Haring has flyers for the Studio Art Quilt Associates.
Angela encouraged everyone to show their work regardless of skill level. We were all beginners once. There is a box where you can put your name in
each time you bring Show & Tell. There will be a drawing at the end of the year and the winner will have 5 trees donated for Waldo Canyon in their
Those displaying Show & Tell were:
Mary Hattick -- 2 charity quilts
Donna Lewis -- an American Farm Scene UFO
Kath Dailey -- a wall quilt made with African fabric
Barb Czarniecki -- 2 tablerunner tops for the auction
Pat Stephenson -- a purple charity quilt
Joan Musick -- UFO Jellyroll race quilt w/ appliqued yellow roses and class sample for April day guild workshop.
Nani Kaai -- Her nieces quilts that have won numerous ribbons: McKenna's quilt and Kelly's 1st show quilt (her own design)
Jamie Krause and Dana Carr -- lap blanket
Chris Hodges -- Charity comfort quilt top
Ann Anderson -- 4 wk embroidery project
Bev Haring -- put & take charity quilt top
Fran DiSalvo -- 3 charity quilts from Put & Take
Pati Driscoll -- Veggie Tales baby quilt and a baby quilt top
Vickey Anderson -- quilt for brother that she started at last year's retreat
Door Prizes -- Bring one if you win. There is no set amount for the gift. This month's door prizes were won by : Susan Reed, Wendy Riggs, Nikki
Rainey and Terry Putzstuck.
Monthly Raffle -- the basket of valentine fabric and goodies was won by Gloria Lesher.
Nikki Rainey introduced the speaker, Laura Farnham from Na-La's Quilt Shoppe in Fountain. She does not piece -- she is a long-arm quilter. Her talk
was about long-arming and designing your quilts.
Name Tag Drawing: Julie McNames won the drawing and she will have a tree donated in her name for Waldo Canyon / Flying W Ranch.
The meeting was adjourned.
Kitty Hindle, Secretary
Monday, February 25, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
Board Minutes-7 Feb 2013
Colorado Springs Quilt Guild Board Minutes
February 7, 2013 5:30 p.m. at Ruth’s Stitchery
Present were: Angela Gilpin, Lyn Seaver, Jalinda Gieck, Nikki Rainey, and Kitty Hindle.
Committee chairs present for the first part of the meeting were: Eddie Gray, Gloria Lesher, Ann Seymoure, Mary Hattick, Vickey Anderson, Terry Putzstuck, Sheila Plagman, Susan Reed-Throckmorton, and Debbie Anderson.
Committee Chair contracts were discussed
Budget was discussed
By-Law changes will be addressed at the next meeting.
Programs for 2013 were discussed.
Budget was discussed
By-Law changes will be addressed at the next meeting.
Programs for 2013 were discussed.
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