Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May Meeting Minutes


Welcome – any guests or new members?  7 guests, 2 new members, 1 renewing member

Newsletter Corrections - Any corrections to the minutes of last month’s meeting, as published in the newsletter?  No

Officer reports:
Membership  -- lyn Seaver - None
Secretary – Kitty Hindle – None
Programs  --    Nikki Rainey – Latifah Saafir  from LA Modern Quilt Guild tonight; workshop will be held at the Church at Briargate.  Nov. Cynthia England will be our speaker; we are sharing her with 2 other guilds; the workshop will be held in Longmont, CO.
Treasurer – Jalinda Gieck  - Balances are: Operating - $24,424.46; Raffle - $796.69

Committee Reports:
Eddie Gray-all slots for retreat are filled; all monies must be paid by July meeting; fabric requirements for the retreat mystery quilt will be available at July meeting.
Vickie Anderson-monthly raffle was a table runner donated by Kathy Dailey
Gloria Lesher-only 3 people are signed up for June’s hospitality
Emily Ferri-CQC meeting will be held in CS in June, speaker is Sally Collins, meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.
Nikki Rainey-Christmas block of quarter drawing winner – Jeanie Brooks
Terry Putzstuck-Strips & Charms-next month colors black & yellow
Dana Zimmerman-Raffle quilt is at Nala’s and will be at the CQC meeting

Old Business:
-Any old business?  No

New Business:
-Any new business?  No

-Any announcements?  No

Show and Tell  -Please remember to give your name, a brief description of the quilt.  Please put your name in the box.

Door Prize Drawings-winners - Kathy Dailey, Wendy Riggs, Cheryl Griffin, Pat Cramer, Vickie Anderson

***** Break for refreshments*****

Drawing for the Monthly Raffle  - winner Judy Gebben

PROGRAM:  Latifah Saafir, Modern Quilts

Name Tag Drawing-Karen Axell

Meeting Adjourned – 8:20
Next board meeting is Thursday, June 6 at 5:30 pm at Panera Bread, Southgate.
Next guild meeting is on June 13th.