Thursday, December 15, 2011

Show n Tell Pictures-December 2011

If you want to see the pictures from show n tell at the December meeting, click the picture above.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Show n Tell Pictures

Click the picture to go to the CSQG photo stream. You will see the show n tell pictures as well as the strip quilts pictures.

Friday, October 21, 2011

General meeting minutes: October 13, 2011

General meeting minutes:  October 13, 2011

Laural Hoppes opened the meeting at 6:30.  The minutes from our September meeting were approved.  The membership voted and approved to display our quilts at Quilt-A-Fair next year. 

The drawing for our fall block-of-the quarter will be in November.

If anyone has ideas for strip quilts / projects please e-mail or call Jeanie or Cindy.    We will be stripping in November!

CQC will meet in Colorado Springs on October 22nd and Linda Poole will be speaking.

Laural congratulated our members with October birthdays.

The meeting adjourned at 6:34 and our program, the Auction, concluded at 8:00.

Gloria Lesher, Secretary

October Board Meeting:

October Board Meeting:  Gloria Lesher

We met  October 6, 2011, at Ruth’s Stitchery at 6:30.   Members present were:   Susan Reed-Throckmorton,  Cindy Pring,  Jeanie Brooks, Gloria Lesher,  Laural Hoppes and Mary Hattick.

Laural announced our total sales of raffle tickets for Rock Ledge and Quilt-A- Fair.  We will donate $100 to the Rock Ledge Ranch.  

We’ve been invited to hang our quilts at Quilt-A-Fair next year.  We will join CQC as a guild for $25.00.

We will make a deposit to Christ Haven Lodge in Florissant to reserve September 21-23, 2012, for our quilt retreat.  This deposit will come out of the raffle account.

Board meeting concluded at 8:15.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

August Pictures are Posted

Links for pictures from the August meeting can be seen by clicking on the picture above.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Check out new items on the "Announcements" page

There are many new announcements about quilting events on the Announcment page.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August Board Minutes

August  Board Meeting:  Gloria Lesher

We met  August 4, 2011, at Ruth’s Stitchery at 6:40.   Members present were:   Cindy Pring,  Susan Reed-Throckmorton,  Ann Seymoure,  Jeannie  Brooks and Gloria Lesher

Ann has found information for buying  more quilt racks.

The board would like to meet with the By-Law committee to go over proposed changes. 

The Rock Ledge Ranch craft show will be September 16, 17 & 18th. A sign-up sheet for volunteers to sell tickets for our raffle quilt will be passed around at our next meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45.  Get well, Laural!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Meeting Minutes-July 2011

Colorado Springs Quilt Guild General Meeting Minutes for July 14, 2011

Call to Order:  President Laural Hoppes called the meeting to order at 6:30.

Officers Reports:
Secretary – Gloria Lesher:  Correction to the meeting minutes from June: The quilt guild in Woodland Park is called Quilters Above the Clouds.
2nd VP Programs – Jeanie Brooks:   In August, Nani Kaai will be speaking.  In September, we’ll have Carolyn McCormark talk to us about No Stress Paper Piecing.  Carolyn will teach a workshop on Saturday, September 10th.   144  tickets were sold on our raffle quilt during the Shop Hop.   We are at $1450 in raffle quilt ticket sales to this date.
1st VP Membership – Susan Reed Throckmorton:    Four  guests this evening were:  Marilyn Brandkorst, Brenda Walsh, Eunice Ciaccio & Lois Boschee.   We now have 95 members in our guild.

Committee Reports:
Strip Exchange – Barb Czarniecki:   Strip colors for August are white or tone on tone whites.  Instructions are on the website for our mystery quilt.  We’re on step 7.  
Block of the Quarter – Wendy Riggs:  The Go’in Fishing blocks were won by Mona Wood.  Wendy handed out a new pattern:  Days of Autumn.  The drawing for these blocks will be in October.
Charity Quilts – Ann Seymoure:   Safe Passage really appreciates the quilts we give them.     UFO challenge:  The year is ½ over.   Are you ½ done with your UFO’s?
Monthly Raffle  Our raffle for this month was a basket of goodies (fabrics, stamps, mug, candle & dish towel) donated  by Patricia  Driscoll.   The lucky winner was Marie Blowers.  
Raffle Quilt – Laural:  The quilt will hang at NaLa’s in July.  Check your calendars to see if you can sell some raffle tickets at the Rock Ledge Ranch craft show – September 16, 17 & 18.  It’s a fun way to visit with people and everyone who sees our raffle quilt always wants to own it!
Charity Quilting Bee- Julie McNames & Joan Musick:  8 members met on July 8th and they sewed some quilts for the VA Home.  If you have fabrics that would be appropriate for older veterans (especially men) please consider donating them to this worthy cause.  Come and sew with the bee at the Senior Center in the Ceramic Room from 1:00 – 5:00 on the 2nd Friday after our next guild meeting, August 12th.
By-Laws Committee- Cathi LaFrance:  The committee has been meeting and some proposed changes have been written to our existing by-laws.   Go to our website to view the proposed changes.  We will discuss this in August and vote in November.
Auction- Edie Gray:  Edie has some flyers printed advertising our October auction.  Please pass them out to your favorite shop, workplace lounge, etc.  Edie will be gone in September, but get ready to bring auction items  to the meeting in October so we can make tons of money for our guild.

New Business:
We need a new chairperson for the monthly raffle.   Lyn Seaver and Cathi LaFrance have graciously volunteered to take over this position from Barb Shie for the rest of the year.

Laural Hoppes:  Congratulated our July  birthday members and gave them candy bars.
Jeannie Brooks:  The Quilters Above the Clouds guild will have a quilt show on Saturday, July 30th from 10 – 4 at the Woodland Park library.  Marsha McKane, owner of Nuts N Bolts was happy to have us at her shop during the Shop Hop.
Joan Musick:  Joan now has 14 applique patterns for sale that are from “The Missing Flower Tops” and “The Midnight Snack” quilt.
Marie Blowers:  The Friends of Rock Ledge are asking for hand sewed donations to sell at the Rock Ledge general store.  If you can make pot holders, baby blankets, dishtowels, doll clothes, etc., please consider donating some to the general store.  Talk to Marie if you have questions.
Marsha McKane:  Marsha thanked us for being at Nuts N Bolts for the Shop Hop.  She is offering a discount to all of our members on July 25 – 30th.  Nuts N Bolts Needleworks is at 200 S. Chestnut Street in Woodland Park.

Next board meeting is August 4, 2011 at 6:30 at Ruth’s Stitchery.   All are invited.
Next meeting is August 11, 2011 at 6:30 at the senior center.

Show and Tell:   Members who participated in Show and Tell this evening  were:  Laural Hoppes, Bev Haring,  Dana Zimmerman , Sandra Graham, Barb Czarniecki and Marie Blowers.

Door Prizes:  We will resume door prize drawings in August.   If you’ve won one in the last while, please bring one to our meeting.

Program:  We ate delicious food and birthday cake and cupcakes.   We played some fun games and we thank Marie Blowers and Julia Grigsby  for a wonderful 24th birthday party.

The meeting was concluded at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary – Gloria Lesher

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July Board Minutes

We met July 7, 2011,  at Ruth’s Stitchery at 6:40.   Members present were:  Laural Hoppes, Cindy Pring,  Susan Reed-Throckmorton,  Gloria Lesher, Jeanie Brooks, Mary Hattick  and Julie McNames.

Charity Quilting Bee:  Fabric has been donated and Susan and Julie will ask members for fabric donations.  A motion was made and seconded to give $250 for the Charity Bee to get established with fabric and batting.  Mary will work on a label design for the quilts.

Raffle quilt is at NaLa’s for July and it will hang at Nuts & Bolts in August.

A discussion followed on Carolyn McCormick’s workshop for September 10th. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Gloria Lesher

Friday, June 24, 2011

Meeting Pics

Click the picture to see the Flickr photo set of our show n tell in June.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June Board Minutes-June 2

June  Board Meeting:  Gloria Lesher

We met June 2,  2011,  at Ruth’s Stitchery at 6:40.   Members present were:  Laural Hoppes, Cindy Pring,  Susan Reed-Throckmorton, Ann Seymoure,  and Gloria Lesher

Cindy will check on labels for charity quilts.

Ann will call and ask about a new pole for hanging quilts.

The senior center would charge us $25.00 to hold a bee there.

Laural went over sign-ups  for selling raffle tickets for the Shop Hop the weekend of June  24, 25 & 26.  The Rocky Mountain Sewing Expo will be July 7, 8 & 9.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Page-Meet the Members

Notice at the top of the page you will see a tab titled "Meet the Members". Here will be interviews with members, learn more about your fellow guild members and see some of their work. If you are interested in being added, please contact me using the form at the right, or talk to me at one of our meetings.

July Birthday Party – July 14th

Another year of friendship and its well worth celebrating.  Since the UFO project exchange from last year was so much fun, Marie and I have decided to repeat the success.   The only change would be that the item is quilt related.  This insures that all participants receive something they truly can use in some form.  Not all of us are cross-stitch, needlepoint, etc. interested but we are all quilt gifted.   If you don’t have an UFO (who are you kidding!) that’s ok.  Just enjoy the fun of seeing truly ugly/awesome items that come out of those bags.  Just put your project in a bag of some sort and seal it so there is no peeking beforehand.  If you receive something that just won’t work for you, save it for next year or donate to a worthy charity in your neighborhood.  Keep it and we want to see later what was done with the gift.  If it looks terrible – we can keep a secret and get a good laugh looking at it.

Now the important topic – food.  To make a great variety for us to sample, please try to follow the list below.  If the item doesn’t work, just exchange with someone.
A:   Breads
B – F:  Salads
G – K:  Main dish
L – P:   Appetizer
R – Z:  Veggie dish
Don’t worry about dessert, that is already taken care of with a large birthday cake.
Marie and I have decided to include an additional game and everyone gets a special treat with a few receiving an extra special treat.  Come to the party and see what’s in store for you.  It will be lots of fun.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pictures from the May meeting

Click the picture to see the photos from the May meeting.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May Board Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Laural Hoppes at 6:15 pm on May 5, 2011 at Ruth’s Stitchery.  Present were: Laural Hoppes, Susan Reed-Throckmorton, Jeanie Brooks, Cindy Pring, Ann Seymoure and Debby Pyaett.  

A vote was taken by the voting members to change the time of the meetings to 6:30 pm in the future. 
Raffle Quilt sales at CQC in Golden was $50.00.  The next venue in is Greeley and Ann Seymoure has said she will attend to sell raffle tickets.  We will be able to sell tickets at the Rockledge event in Sept.  We will ask for volunteers to help out at the next meeting.  We discussed the new Quilting Bee at Rockledge and Laural will address it at the meeting also.  We are going to try and put the raffle quilt at Ruth’s in May and NaLa’s quiltique in July, in addition to the other places we have booked. 
Programs are going well, and Jeanie is working on 2012 speakers.  She has just a few slots left for new speakers.  Jeanie has asked to have the contract cleaned up and Laural has volunteered to type up the changes for her.  The flyer is done for the next workshop; flyers will be available at the meeting and will be put on the blog/newsletter also.  

It was brought to our attention that members are asking for the “bookmark” we have used in the past with speakers.  The board decision was to print the bookmark, but make it more generic so changes can be made for cancellations of speakers.  

By-Laws committee will meet next week and now has 6 members. 
It was discussed that we will look for an additional venue for the charity quilts that will accept “tied” quilts.  Several members have mentioned to board members they wish to “tie” the quilts.  We also discussed having a Charity Quilting Bee at a quilt shop to make quilts. 
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

April Block of the Quarter

Click on the picture below to see a larger image. If you want to print the larger size, click on the picture. It should open in another window, then print that page.

Monday, April 25, 2011

April Meeting Pictures

Click the pictures at left to see all of the photos taken at the April meeting.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April Board Minutes.

Board Meeting Minutes
Colorado Springs Quilt Guild
8 April 2011, 6pm, Ruth’s Stitchery
Laural Hoppes
Susan Reed-Throckmorton
Jeannie Brooks
Ann Seymoure
Lyn Seaver

Tabled discussion on moving board meeting from 6pm to 6:30pm. Will revisit next month.

All things are set for April program.

Charity Quilt March program was a great success.

Games manager training:
April 2 @ Glenwood Springs
April 16 @ Montrose
April 23 @ Golden
May 20 @ Denver
New state statute requires organization treasurer must be game certified.

Guild Raffle Quilt
25 tickets sold at March CQC in Boulder
268 tickets sold at Pueblo Quilt Expo
Jeanie will order 2000 additional tickets to cover sales at Shop Hop, Rocky Mountain Sew Expo and for membership sales.
Raffle Quilt will be shown at Nuts and Bolts (Woodland Park) during Shop Hop. Members are needed to sign up to sell tickets on Friday and Sunday (Saturday is already covered).

Will ask membership if they want guild to join Rocky Mountain Quilt Foundation ($30 annual dues)

Comfort Quilts
Patty Loewenkamp asks Comfort Quilt blocks be made without colored HST in corner. Use white for background and bright fabric for star.
Ann delivered a comfort quilt to Berta Sylvia after her husband’s death in March.

Dana Zimmerman has chosen the pattern “Storm at Sea” for the 2012 Raffle Quilt.

2012 Guild Retreat date changed to Sept 21-23.

Will poll membership to see if they would like Margo Krager, fabric historian, as a possible 2012 program/workshop.

Meeting concluded. Adjourned 8:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lyn Seaver (in Gloria Lesher’s absence)