Monday, January 31, 2011

New Workshop-Announcement

Check out the announcements page (see the tabs across the top) to read about a new workshop being offered by Scott Beaver at Nuts and Bolts in Woodland Park. Use all those strips you've been collecting. Scott will show you how.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Photos from the January Meeting

Click the picture to look at the full size photos from the January Meeting.

Thanks Debbie for taking them.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Meeting Minutes-13 January 2011

Colorado Springs Quilt Guild General Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2011

Call to Order:  President Laural Hoppes called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.  She welcomed all members by reminding us that the CSQG was founded in 1987 by a small group of women sharing a common interest in quilting.  We will be celebrating our 24th birthday this year.   What began as a quilting bee has grown into a large nonprofit organization of 80 plus members.

Officers Reports:
Secretary – Gloria Lesher:  There were no minutes submitted from the December 2010 meeting.  The Board Meeting Minutes from December 3, 2010 are printed on our website.
Treasurer – Cindy Pring:  Our $$$ balance is on-line.  Cindy is referring to the budget that was created for us from last year.  She is currently interested in line item amounts on the budget.
2nd VP Programs – Jeanie Brooks:  Our February program will be Kaleidoscope Quilts, Stack N Whack.    Jeanie and Mary Hattick showed us examples of the Kaleidoscope Spring Star pattern and the Four Patch Posie pattern.   There will be a workshop offered on February 12that Ruth’s Stitchery.  If you are interested in signing up and / or want to know more about a supply list, contact Mary Hattick.
Our March program will be advocacy or charity night.  Members are asked to bring in their favorite advocacy quilts and quilt patterns.   Patterns will be handed out for members to use.
Jeanie asked for a show of hands of people who might be interested in a quilt retreat in September of 2012. 
1st VP Membership – Susan Reed Throckmorton:  We have 52 paid members as of 6:45 this evening.  We had 7 guests this evening and some of them have joined us as paid members.

Committee Reports:
Secret Pals & Hospitality – Jill McCloy:  Sophie Hamilton assisted Jill with having members sign up for Secret Pals.  Secret Pals from July – December 2010 will be revealed at our next meeting in February.  Secret Pal names for our current months (January – July 2011) will be mailed to participants this month.  Jill offered a $15 Starbucks giftcard to someone to clean up at the end of our meeting.
Block of the Quarter – Wendy Riggs:  Wendy showed us the Spring Flower Garden Block using greens and florals.  She will have the pattern available next month, also.  The pattern will also be available in our newsletter.  The drawing for the blocks will be in March.
Auction – Eddie Gray:  Eddie will be coordinating our 2011 October auction.  She reminded us to make something that we would want to give to a close friend for a gift.  She reminded us of the value that people put into the items they make.  The auction is a big money maker for us.
Strip Exchange – Barb Czarniecki:  The colors for the strips have been determined for the year.  Barb will be giving us some patterns that we can use to use our strips, too.  Barb also had the first of a Mystery Quilt pattern that will make a crib sized quilt.
Newsletter & Blog& Library – Mary Hattick:  Debbie Korell is storing all the books for our library at her name.  The library quilting books are listed on our website.  To borrow books, send an e-mail to:      Include your name and e-mail address in the request.
Monthly Raffle – Barbara Shie:  Our raffle for this month was a lovely purse made by Angela Gilpin.  Barb is encouraging everyone to sign up for a monthly raffle.  It helps us pay our rent!  Our lucky winner for the purse this month was Cathy LeFrance.
Charity Quilts & Challenge Quilts -  Ann Seymoure:  Remember to keep sewing quilts for Safe Passage.  Our challenge is to complete more unfinished projects.   Bring a batik fat quarter to Ann for each unfinished project that you want to complete.  Give her your list next month.  Let’s challenge each other to finish some UFO’s!

Unfinished Business:   At the board meeting on January 6, 2011, the decision was made for the guild to not purchase an Accu-Cut Roller Die Cutting Machine.  Perhaps a small group or an individual would like to purchase one and rent it out to members. 

New Business:
We have openings for the following positions which can be filled by a member or by a group of members:  Raffle Quilt 2012, July birthday party, December Christmas party, Nominating Committee
The top of our Raffle Quilt for 2011 was revealed.  Jeanie Brooks and Cindy Pring did a wonderful job.  It now goes to Bonnie Burt, who will machine quilt it. 
Laural passed sign-up sheets around for members to sign up to sell raffle tickets for our quilt at the Denver Merchandise Market (Rocky Mountain Sewing Expo) in February and for the CQC monthly meeting in February in Longmont.
The Woodmen Edition (northern local newspaper) has interviewed Laural about our quilt guild.
Laural handed out candy bars to our members with January birthdays.
Laural is challenging all of us l to make / donate 4 charity quilts this year.  If you meet the challenge, you will receive a small scissors charm.

Show and Tell:  Remember, when you show us your quilts your name is included in a chance to win a Jim Shore angel or a gift certificate.  Drawings will be held in June and in November.  Members who participated in Show and Tell this month were:   Barb Czarniecki, Sandy Graham, Kathy Barrett, Jalinda Gieck, Cat Mikelson, Joan Musak, Karen Leigh, Debbie Jacobs, Mary Hattick  & Pat Richie.

Door Prizes:  If you win one, please bring one to our next meeting!  It should be a new item, $10.00 or less in value.  Winners were:  Barb Czarniecki, Karen Leigh, Bonnie Burt, Kathy Barrett, Sandra Graham, Wendy Riggs, Debbie Jacobs & Kathy Dailey.    Linda Babcock won a $25.00 gift certificate from Ruth’s Stitchery.

Our new mailbox number is 8221.
Next board meeting is February 3, 2011 at 6:00 at Ruth’s Stitchery.  Anyone is invited.
Next meeting is February 10, 2011 at 6:30 at the senior center.  There will be a Kaleidoscope workshop on February 12th.

Jeanie introduced Bev Haring who presented on art quilts.

The meeting was concluded at 8:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary – Gloria Lesher

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Board Minutes--January 6, 2011

Board Meeting taken by Gloria Lesher

We met January 6th, 2011, at Ruth’s Stitchery at 6:00.  Members present were:  Laural Hoppes, Cindy Pring, Jeanie Brooks, Susan Reed-Throckmorton, Ann Seymoure, Debby Pyeatt, Mary Hattick, Bonnie Burt and Gloria Lesher

We discussed upcoming programs for the year.  We are going to be creative with the March charity quilt meeting and include some exciting new ideas. Speakers for May and August are being contacted and contracts are being collected for various months.  As soon as we have them, the programs will be announced.

We would like to continue to list the names of the wonderful people who complete charity quilts in our newsletter.  Of course, if a member is uncomfortable with this, one can always choose to be anonymous.  Laural would like to challenge all members to contribute 4 charity quilts this year.  If a member meets that challenge, she will be rewarded!  (on earth and in heaven).    Drawings / prizes for contributing charity quilts and for sharing quilts at show and tell will be given twice a year, rather than four times a year.  Winners will be able to choose from various items.

The raffle quilt top has been completed by Jeanie Brooks and  Cindy Pring.  Bonnie Burt will quilt it for us.  It is absolutely beautiful and we appreciate these ladies hard work and time.

Speaking of raffles, our games raffle license has expired.  There is a meeting January 28th, a Friday, at 12:30 in Denver.  Anyone who would like to be licensed to raffle  may attend!

We would love it if all members could wear nametags at our meetings.  We will supply sticky disposable ones if members forget and / or are busy, overworked, tired and exhausted!

Let’s encourage friends, neighbors and relatives to join our guild!   More members add to our budget which allows us to rent the Senior Center and to pay an additional $25 to have our tables and chairs set up and taken down. 

Our auction brings in a nice amount of money each year in October.  Eddie Gray has graciously volunteered to chair the October 2011 auction.

Old business:  We discussed purchasing an Accu-Cut Roller Die Cutting Machine and as a board have decided that it might be best for an individual to purchase this and rent it out OR for a small group to purchase it OR for members to use / rent those available at quilt shops.

We have a new post office box number. Our mailing address is CSQG PO BOX 8221, Colorado Springs, 80933

How about a quilting retreat in 2012?  Jeanie is looking into it.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:15.

Committee chairs for 2011:
Block of the Quarter        Wendy Riggs
Challenge Quilts        Barb Czarniecki – Ann Seymoure
Charity Quilts        Ann Seymoure
Charm Strips        Barb Czarniecki
Christmas Party   
Comfort Quilts        Patty Lowenkamp
Historian            Cheryl Ross
Hospitality            Jill McCloy
July Birthday Party        Julia Grigsby
Library            Mary Hattick & Debbie Korrel
Monthly Raffle        Barbara Shie
Nomination Committee   
October Auction        Eddie Gray
Put n Take            Cheryl Griffin
Raffle Quilt Tickets         Jeanie Brooks 684-0184
Quilt Custodian         Laural Hoppes
Quilt, 2012            Dana Zimmerman
Secret Pals            Jill McCloy
Webmaster & Newsletter    Mary Hattick


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Check out the announcements page for all kinds of fun stuff. Also, Scott Beaver, a member who joined in October, is happy to announce that he is now published. He had a pattern published in the Quilt Pattern Magazine in January 2011. It is an online magazine that can be found here. Yay Scott!

If you have any exciting news about your quilting life, please email me and I'd be happy to include it in the newsletter if I get it at the right time, or on the blog. We love to celebrate our successes!