Board Meeting taken by Gloria Lesher
We met January 6th, 2011, at Ruth’s Stitchery at 6:00. Members present were: Laural Hoppes, Cindy Pring, Jeanie Brooks, Susan Reed-Throckmorton, Ann Seymoure, Debby Pyeatt, Mary Hattick, Bonnie Burt and Gloria Lesher
We discussed upcoming programs for the year. We are going to be creative with the March charity quilt meeting and include some exciting new ideas. Speakers for May and August are being contacted and contracts are being collected for various months. As soon as we have them, the programs will be announced.
We would like to continue to list the names of the wonderful people who complete charity quilts in our newsletter. Of course, if a member is uncomfortable with this, one can always choose to be anonymous. Laural would like to challenge all members to contribute 4 charity quilts this year. If a member meets that challenge, she will be rewarded! (on earth and in heaven). Drawings / prizes for contributing charity quilts and for sharing quilts at show and tell will be given twice a year, rather than four times a year. Winners will be able to choose from various items.
The raffle quilt top has been completed by Jeanie Brooks and Cindy Pring. Bonnie Burt will quilt it for us. It is absolutely beautiful and we appreciate these ladies hard work and time.
Speaking of raffles, our games raffle license has expired. There is a meeting January 28th, a Friday, at 12:30 in Denver. Anyone who would like to be licensed to raffle may attend!
We would love it if all members could wear nametags at our meetings. We will supply sticky disposable ones if members forget and / or are busy, overworked, tired and exhausted!
Let’s encourage friends, neighbors and relatives to join our guild! More members add to our budget which allows us to rent the Senior Center and to pay an additional $25 to have our tables and chairs set up and taken down.
Our auction brings in a nice amount of money each year in October. Eddie Gray has graciously volunteered to chair the October 2011 auction.
Old business: We discussed purchasing an Accu-Cut Roller Die Cutting Machine and as a board have decided that it might be best for an individual to purchase this and rent it out OR for a small group to purchase it OR for members to use / rent those available at quilt shops.
We have a new post office box number. Our mailing address is CSQG PO BOX 8221, Colorado Springs, 80933
How about a quilting retreat in 2012? Jeanie is looking into it.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15.
Committee chairs for 2011:
Block of the Quarter Wendy Riggs
Challenge Quilts Barb Czarniecki – Ann Seymoure
Charity Quilts Ann Seymoure
Charm Strips Barb Czarniecki
Christmas Party
Comfort Quilts Patty Lowenkamp
Historian Cheryl Ross
Hospitality Jill McCloy
July Birthday Party Julia Grigsby
Library Mary Hattick & Debbie Korrel
Monthly Raffle Barbara Shie
Nomination Committee
October Auction Eddie Gray
Put n Take Cheryl Griffin
Raffle Quilt Tickets Jeanie Brooks 684-0184
Quilt Custodian Laural Hoppes
Quilt, 2012 Dana Zimmerman
Secret Pals Jill McCloy
Webmaster & Newsletter Mary Hattick
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