Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July Board Minutes

We met July 7, 2011,  at Ruth’s Stitchery at 6:40.   Members present were:  Laural Hoppes, Cindy Pring,  Susan Reed-Throckmorton,  Gloria Lesher, Jeanie Brooks, Mary Hattick  and Julie McNames.

Charity Quilting Bee:  Fabric has been donated and Susan and Julie will ask members for fabric donations.  A motion was made and seconded to give $250 for the Charity Bee to get established with fabric and batting.  Mary will work on a label design for the quilts.

Raffle quilt is at NaLa’s for July and it will hang at Nuts & Bolts in August.

A discussion followed on Carolyn McCormick’s workshop for September 10th. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Gloria Lesher