Colorado Springs Quilt Guild General Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2012
Call to Order: President Bonnie Burt called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. The minutes from our February meeting were approved as published in our newsletter. A motion was made by Barb Czarniecki to approve the proposed 2012 budget. Jeanie Brooks seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the members voted to approve the budget as published. Bonnie thanked Cindy Pring for her help while Kathi LaFrance was absent.
Officers Reports:
Treasurer – Kathi LaFrance: We have $23,715.52 in our total account which includes $1914.20 in our raffle account and $21,801.32 in our operating account.
1st VP Membership – Susan Reed Throckmorton: New members include: Mary Ann Kramer, Regina Bechard, Terry Putzstuck and Kathleen Huber. Elaine Goodrum was a guest this evening. Susan congratulated members who have March birthdays.
2nd Vice President – Jeanie Brooks for Mary Hattick: Cat Mikkelson will be our speaker in April. Pat Richie will show us Fire Quilts in May. There are 4 slots open for our September retreat.
Committee Reports:
Secret Pals – Julie McNames: The new secret pal round has started and will run until September.
Block of the Quarter – Wendy Riggs: Someone will win the Scrap Bag blocks in April. You can still bring in blocks and turn them in at the start of the meeting next month.
Strip & Charm Exchange & a Challenge! – Barb Czarniecki: April colors for strips and charms are an Easter theme with ducks, chicks, etc. Barb is challenging us to make a bag, garment, jacket, vest, etc. using one technique that we’ve never done before for our July meeting.
Monthly Raffle – Mary Ruttner: Pat Stephenson donated a basket of goodies and Bonnie Kerbs was our lucky winner.
Raffle Quilt – Dana Zimmerman: We have 5000 tickets printed for our raffle quilt. There are 25 tickets in a ‘pack’ or envelope. Return your sold tickets to Dana in that same envelope. Make sure the stubs you return to her are completely filled out.
Auction – Eddie Gray: We made $3800.00 last year at our October auction. Let’s beat that this year. Plan now what you can sew / donate.
Hospitality – Debbee Jacobs: Please sign up to bring food and drinks to our meetings.
New Business:
There will only be 5 raffle quilts displayed at Quilt-a-Fair this year. We have applied to have our raffle quilt be one of them. Bonnie has also applied to have our raffle quilt displayed at the Pueblo Quilt Show.
We will have a drawing at our April meeting including names of people who participated in Show and Tell in January, February and March. Thank you to Angela Gilpin who has donated some incentive prizes.
Show and Tell: Members who participated in Show and Tell this month were: Angela Gilpin, Lana Thomas, Amy Duell, Bev Haring, Cindy Link, Mary Ruttner, Janet Mohler & Ann Seymoure.
Door Prizes: Winners were: Barb Swenson & Wendy Riggs
Nikki Rainey: Piecing Partner’s March 21st meeting will feature Marci Baker from Alicia’s Attic in Fort Collins speaking on the ABC’s of 3D piecing. She will teach a half-day class on the afternoon of the 21st for $25 and a full-day class on March 22nd . The April 18th speaker will be Carolyn Beam from Quiltmaker Magazine.
The Pikes Peak Branch of the National League of American Pen Women is sponsoring a non-juried quilt competition titled “HerStory: Prominent Women in Colorado Springs”. The entry form is due by July 15, 2012. For more information contact:
Elizabeth Barber, Lead Interpreter for the Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site, and Patty Burns, quilting liason to the Rock Ledge Ranch: The Quilting Friends of Rock Ledge Ranch are asking for volunteers to serve as docents. You will be trained and you can wear period clothing and interact with visitors through quilting demonstrations and talks. The quilting friends also meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Lady Bug Hill Quilts from 10:00 – 2:00 where they make items to sell in the Rock Ledge Ranch gift shop. Contact Patty at 719-494-1120 to join the Quilting Friends. Attend an orientation session at Rock Ledge Ranch on Friday, April 13th, from 1:00 – 4:00. Call Elizabeth for more information at 719-578-6781.
Next board meeting is April 5th at Ruth’s Stitchery at 4:30. All are invited to attend. Our next general meeting will be April 12th, 2012, at 6:30 at the Senior Center.
Wilene Lampert spoke to us from Safe Passage. Julie McNames & Jeanie Brooks talked about Veteran’s quilts. Terry Putzstuck spoke on welcome home quilts for female medics from the 4th Brigade at Fort Carson who are currently serving in Afghanistan. Ann Seymoure showed us many charity quilts and gave us ideas for patterns.
The meeting was concluded at 8:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary – Gloria Joy Lesher