Colorado Springs Quilt Guild
Board Meeting
July 2, 2009
Attendees: Barb Czarniecki, Debbie Korrell, Jean Woofter, Laural Hoppes, Mary Hattick
Absent: Martha Johnson, JoAnn Anderson
Barb called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
Jean Woofter: Tanya Santini will run the raffle quilt for August.
65 tickets were sold at Bancroft Park for the raffle quilt.
Mary Hattick: the guild has a new email address: Barb made a motion and Debbie seconded that the board will pay for photo hosting on The free hosting allows 200 pictures per year and we have exceeded that limit. The cost for unlimited uploads and photos is $24.95/year. The new web presence for the guild will be a blog. The address is The site will be updated as information is available. Mary Hattick will have slips with the blog address available for attendees at the July meeting, and will make a presentation at the August meeting introducing the blog to the guild.
Laural Hoppes: Clean-up after guild meetings has been left to a few officers. If all members will pick up their own chair, and a few stay to help put away tables and food it will be much more effective and efficient.
Laural: at the June meeting (David Taylor’s presentation) we had many guests. A number of them were 2nd time guests and did not sign in, so did not pay the $5 fee requested from 2nd time guests. We are suggesting that ALL guests now pay a fee to attend meetings. This will be brought to the guild members vote at the August meeting.
Laural: the by-laws state that if a new member wants to join the guild during June (or later) they should only pay half the dues, but returning members have to pay the yearly cost of dues, no matter when they join. The board thought we should make all purchased membership dues (new or returning member) half cost after June.
Jean Woofter: wants to be sure to get pictures of the items for the monthly raffle with the person who donated, as well as of the person who won the item to make a scrapbook. We will focus on getting this started in January 2010.
We still need people to work on the auction.
Jean Woofter volunteered to call members to solicit nominations for next year’s board.
The Board Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM
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