Barb Czarnieki , Bonnie Thurman, Ann Seymoure, Jo Ann Anderson, Mary Hattick, Cindy Pring, Laural Hoppes, Debbie Korrell
Barb called the meeting to order at 6:00
Debbie Korrell volunteered to be in charge of raffle tickets for 2010. Many more tickets were printed than were sold in 2009, so only half the number will be printed and distributed this year.
Barb got an announcement from the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum of their new location of 1213 Washington Ave. (one block south of the prior location). She also received some items from them that she will put in a monthly raffle basket for the guild. She also mentioned an opportunity for making charity quilts. If you want to make quilts for kids go to You can request a quilt kit--fabric, pattern and backing. They will send it to you and ask that you sew the top together, add your own batting and quilt it. Then return it to them to be donated to hospitalized children as comfort quilts. You can also find free, easy patterns for charity quilts on their website.
Cindy Pring announced that Martha Johnson and she are in the process of transferring all accounts to Cindy so she can take over the treasurer's duties.
Laural reminded us that if members do not pay their dues by the February meeting (as stated in the by-laws) they will be removed from the member roster and will be considered guests and be expected to pay the $5 guest fee at each meeting they attend. Laural also announced positions on committees that still need members or chairperson:
- Nominating Committee
- Raffle Tickets (Debbie Korrell volunteered)
- Hospitality (Susan Reed-Throckmorton volunteered via her membership application)
- Historian (Becky Straup volunteered via her membership application)
- Christmas Party needs a chairperson--has two members already
- July Birthday Party needs a chairperson--has two members already
- Monthly Raffle needs a chairperson--has a member already
- October Auction needs members--has a chairperson
Barb purchased 300 bookmarks to be placed at local fabric shops to advertise the guild. They will be placed at Ruth's Stitchery, High Country Fabrics, Mill Outlet, Ladybug Hill Quilts, Nala's, Hancock Fabrics and Nuts and Bolts. Barb will have more printed for members.
Jo Ann Anderson will present the program at the February meeting--a Quilt Memory Book. It will be a make and take program. She will bring a sample to the January meeting so members can see it to know what it will look like when done. She also received information about a possible program for 2012. A company makes pre-cut quilt kits and would like to come and show the kits and do a trunk show.
In February, there will be no Show and Tell to give more time to complete the Quilt Memory Books. As a result of budget cuts and changes in policy at the Senior Center, we have to be out of the room (with all clean-up completed) by 9:00.
Cindy Pring and Jeanie Brooks have volunteered to make the guild raffle quilt for 2011. They already have the pattern picked out and plan to use bright batiks for the fabrics. They plan to bring the pattern and sample fabrics to the January meeting and ask folks to look through their stashes to donate fabrics for the quilt.
Ann Seymoure expressed concern that we are not as active in making charity quilts as in previous years. She suggested that we could ask someone from the organizations we donate quilts to come and tell us about how the quilts affect those who receive them. We could do this at the Christmas party, so we include giving as well as receiving during the party. If we had more connection to the organizations, and understood how valuable they are we might be encouraged to make more quilts. It was also suggested that we might set a number goal for donated quilts and keep track using a large thermometer graphic to see how close we are to the goal.
Laural suggested that we might consider making our own quilt stands for use by the guild. We might then be able to have a guild quilt show. Someone suggested we might contact other guilds in the area to "rent" their stands instead of making them and having to store them all year.
Barb suggested we reinstate the quarterly drawing for a prize for members who participate in show and tell. Each time they participate they will be entered in the drawing for a prize. Mary suggested we could do the same thing for those who bring in charity quilts.
As a result of budget cuts and changes in policy at the Senior Center, we will not have as much time or as much staff to help us with set up and tear down. We are going to set up only the first couple of rows of chairs, and when members come in they will be asked to grab a chair and add it to those already set up. We also need more members helping with clean-up after meetings. Please be sure to take your chair and put it away. Also look around your area and pick up anything left on the floor.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:10
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