Saturday, October 16, 2010

Board Minutes October 7, 2010

Attending: Susan Reed Throckmorton, Barb Czarnieki, Deb Korrell, Mary Hattick, Ann Seymoure, Laural Hoppes
Absent: Cindy Pring

The meeting was called to order at 6:00

Mary reported that the First United Methodist Church at  Nevada and Boulder (420 N. Nevada Ave) is willing to rent us space for our guild meeting.s The cost will be $25 per meeting and the church staff will set up and take down tables and chairs. Mary will report to members in the newsletter so they can have information before we vote at the November meeting. She will also get some pictures and post them on the web so people can see what the room will look like.

Mary and Deb both contacted the DAV organization in east Colorado Springs to see about meeting there. Mary contacted via email, and Deb called and left a message. Neither got a reply, so the board decided not to pursue that venue.

Mary also reported that Jonnie Nottingham, a past guild president, found the email address through the website. She had some documents and pictures from the guild in the 90s and wanted to return them. She sent a box and Mary will return it to the guild at the next meeting.

Laural reminded the board that there were 4 quilts donated by Angela Gilpin last year for binding. Laural Hoppes, Lyn Seaver,  Daniella Keenan, and Pat Webb each took one to bind. We will check to see which will be brought back for the auction.

Ann Seymoure reported that the charity quilts she brings to Safe Passage are definitely appreciated. Also, the staff reports to her that the first quilts to be picked out by the children, are those with fleece backing, so please feel free to use fleece. She also stated she still has plenty of fabric for tops, and lots of fleece for backing. Please contact her if you want any fabric or backing for charity quilts.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:45.

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