November 12, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 by the President.
We had 5 guests. Total number of members 89
Martha reported we made $100 less this year on our auction than we did last year.
Our guests this month were Debbiee Pyeatt, Jill McCoy, Susan Reed, Becky Sharp , and Gail Piper.
The Senior Center informed us that beginning in January they will start charging $30.00 per hour for any group using their facilities. We will have a ½ hour before meetings and ½ after meetings to set up and clean up for our meetings. Barb announced that we give the Senior Center a $500 donation each year. A motion was made by Mary Rutner to go ahead and stay at the Senior Center and pay the $30 per hour. The motion was 2nd by Mary Hattick. Motion was voted and approved.
Jean Woofter and Debbie Korrell volunteered to be our quilt keepers.
We are still looking for someone to volunteer for hospitality. Anyone who is interested please call Jean Woofter at 596-7814.
Laural Hoppes announced that she has the new membership forms for next year. Please fill out the forms completely. They are also available on the internet.
PROGRAMS: Jo Ann Anderson announced programs for 2010 are complete. There were a lot of suggestions brought up on ways to afford more programs. In 2011 we will probably go with one main speaker. Someone suggested to use Jackie Robinson (or some other nationally known speaker) and we could make that our challenge quilt also.
TREASURERS REPORT: There is $13,252.17 in our operating account. Our raffle account has a balance of $3992.85 We still have a lot of tickets that haven’t been picked up to sell for our raffle quilt. We have sold $450.00. We will do the drawing next month.
BLOCK OF THE QUARTER: Wendy Riggs explained how the block of the quarter works. We will do the drawing next month.
CHALLENGE QUILTS: Laural Hoppes explained that your mystery quilts must be done by next month. If you have your name on the quilt please cover it up. We will hang the quilts on quilt hangers. There will be four winners picked. The categories will be; President’s Choice, Past President’s Choice, Peoples Choice, and Ruth’s Choice from Ruth's Quilt Shop.
CHARITY QUILTS: Ann Seymour announced we will do charity quilts in March beginning at 5:00 pm. If you like to make quilt tops but not quilt them, bring them in March and we will finish them at the meeting that night.
CHRISTMAS PARTY: Please bring the following items to the Christmas Party in December; a pencil, paper scissors, fabric scissors, needle (with an eye large enough to hold 2 strands of floss), a few straight pins, thimble (if you use one) and a small bottle of glue -Elmer's is fine. Lyn announced that our charity this year is going to be Express Inn. Please bring new socks and underwear for men, women, and children to donate.
MONTHLY RAFFLE: Jean Woofter announced we had a nice gift basket for our raffle this month. Our raffle was won by Cheryl Ross.
SECRET PALS: Mary reminded everyone to pick up your gifts from your Secret Pal.
RAFFLE QUILT: Our raffle quilt is at Nuts & Bolts in Woodland Park. We will draw for the winner in December at the meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: None reported
NEW BUSINESS: Barb announced tonight is elections: Jeanie Brooks made a motion to vote for all candidates at once. Mary Roth 2nd the motion.
The motion was voted on and passed. Board Members are as follows : President; Barb Czarniecki, Vice President; Laural Hoppes, 2nd Vice President; Jo Ann Anderson, Secretary; Debbie Korrell, Treasurer; Cindy Pring.
Cheryl announced that High Country Quilts is sponsoring a Quilt Cruise during spring break to the West Caribbean. Info is on the back table.
SHOW & TELL : Joan McCloy, Martha Johnson, Kathy Barrett, Ann Anderson, and Mary Hattick
DOOR PRIZES: Door Prizes were won this monthy by Cheryl Griffin, Mona Wood, Wendy Riggs, Jo Ann Anderson, Laural Hoppes, Jeanie Brooks, Danielle Keenan, Cheri Shields, and Barb Rhoads. If you’re a winner this month please don’t forget to bring door prizes to the next meeting.
PROGRAM: Our program this month is Granma’s Button Box by Jill Gerski. Jill is a Buttonologist. She is a member of the National Button Society and other button groups. She collects & educates others about button history, identification, care & preservation through her lecture series and educational displays. She had combined her tow loves, quilter and crafter and has become an author. We learned a lot of interesting facts about buttons. It was a great program
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Debbie Korrell
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