Greetings quilting friends!
Wow! The year sure has flown by! Our slate of Officer's was presented and voted on at the November meeting. I will continue as President in 2010, Laural Hoppes will continue as 1st Vice-President/Membership, Debbie Korrel will continue as Secretary, and Cindy Pring will be our new Treasurer. Thank you Martha for doing a great job as our Treasurer for the past few years. Thank you s also go out to Jean Woofter who was our nominating chairman. There are still slots to fill for the coming year, so please consider helping out your guild. If you have any ideas or programs you would like to see, please contact one of us and let us know. This is your guild.
I hope all of you at our November meeting enjoyed our speaker, Jill Gorski. I learned a lot about buttons, their history and their value I should really look through my button jar more carefully! If you missed her talk, she was featured in the last American Quilter magazine. As you all know, Prop. 2C did not pass, so we will have to start paying to use the Senior Center. We had a motion and voted to continue meeting at the Senior Center for the time being, at a cost of $60.00 per night. John, who has always been so helpful to us setting up and taking down tables and chairs for our meetings, will lose his position in December. This means we will all have to step up and help with the table and chairs so just a few are not taxed to do this. If we all help, it will go much smoother. Please take a moment at the next meeting to thank John for all he has done for us.
The December meeting will be our annual Christmas Party. Lyn and her crew have lots of fun planned for us, so I hope you will be able to attend. Please check out Lyn's article so you know what to bring with you. It's also time to renew our memberships in the guild, so please stop by and see Laural at the meeting. We will also be unveiling our mystery quilts- I can hardly wait! Merry Christmas to all of you!!
Happy Quilting,
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