Board Members:
President: Runs the meetings, organizes the various committees, prepares and submits a newsletter article, including the agenda for the meetings. Appoints all committee chairpersons, monitor and assist all committees, keep records of office and transfer to successor, perform other duties as may be required by the Executive Board.
1st Vice President (Membership): Presides at meetings in absence of President, fill the office of President in the event of a vacancy, collect membership dues, maintain a membership roster , furnish the roster to members twice yearly, conduct sales of CSQG membership pins, keep records of Office and transfer to successor, perform such other duties as may be required by the Executive Board. Computer skills are necessary to print out rosters, name tags, etc.
2nd Vice President (Programs): Plan, organize and present a monthly program reflecting the interests of the membership, consult with the new 2nd Vice President two months into the year following current tenure. Keep records of Office and transfer to successor. Perform such other duties as may be required by the Executive Board.
Secretary: Record the proceedings of all general membership and Executive Board meetings, publish a summary of all general and Board meetings in newsletter. Keep records of office and transfer same to successor , maintain correspondence on behalf of the Presi-dent. Perform such other duties as may be required by the Executive Board.
Treasurer: Receives and deposits all monies received by the guild; disburse the funds as authorized by the officers of the guild; reconcile bank accounts on a monthly basis; develop an annual budget with cooperation from the officers and committee chairs; prepare all nec-essary reports relating to the raffle incomes and file quarterly reports with the Secretary of State.
Block of the Quarter: Directions for Block of the Quarter are given four times during the year. Members make the blocks and bring to the meetings and someone will received all that have been made during this quarter. Directions are available at meetings and on our web site. Chairperson picks the block, writes directions and helps with the drawing for the blocks.
Challenge Quilts: Picks a quilt for the members to work on throughout the year. Round robin styles need to be organized with members sharing blocks. Mystery Quilt styles will need directions written for the newsletter. At least one challenge quilt is offered each year.
Charity Quilts: Quilts are made by the guild members and donated to Safe Passage.. Size guidelines would be Crib—36‖ X 45‖ and Lap—45‖ to 60‖, but any size quilt is gladly accepted. Chairperson is responsible for cutting kits, collecting quilts and delivering to our charities.
Charity Quilts—cut kits: Members of this committee will help the chairperson cut kits. Time involved will vary by members of this committee.
Christmas Party: This meeting is held the second Thursday of December. Chairperson can decide what activities will be held dur-ing his meeting. Chairperson also organizes food for the meeting. The Holiday party takes at least 10 hours with the craft prep, food buying and prep.
Door Prizes: Quilt-related door prizes are gratefully accepted and add a special excitement to our meetings. If you win a door prize, please donate one at the next meeting.
Strip Club: There is a strip exchange each month. Strips will be 2 ½‖. Each participate brings 6 strips cut from ½ yard of fabric. Each month will have a different color/theme of fabric. Chairperson de-cides the color/themes and organizing strips to return to members next month.
Historian: Duties shall include maintenance of copies of all newslet-ters and minutes of meetings, library materials, records, and any other material of present or future historical interest to CSQG. An inven-tory of CSQG property will be maintained. The Chairperson will keep records of activities and transfer to successor.
Hospitality: Duties include coordination of refreshments for meet-ings, setting up meeting rooms prior to meeting, cleaning of room after meetings, maintenance and organization of door prizes, greeting of members and guests, and maintenance of any food service equip-ment belonging to CSQG.. It takes an hour each Month :writing the newsletter article prep before the meeting and then attendance at every meeting to bring paper goods.
July Birthday Party: Organizers of the birthday party plan games/activities, (and food )for the birthday. The meeting is cut short and the rest of the evening is devoted to the party. Money is available to purchase items needed.
Monthly Raffle: A member will donate a small wall quilt, gift bas-ket or other item to raffle at each meeting. Funds from the monthly raffle help to pay operating cost. Chairperson will have members volunteer to make the raffle items and help with drawing of names during the meetings.
Newsletter: Duties include preparation of and mailing Newsletters, publication of meeting summaries and reports submitted and mainte-nance of all records associated with the Newsletter. The Chairperson will keep records of activities and transfer to successor.
Nomination Committee: Call members to receive a list of candi-dates for offices. Provide list of candidates for each office at Novem-ber meeting. Count ballots and present result at December Meeting.
Put’n Take: Remove all Put’n Take items at end of meeting.
October Auction: Items are donated for the auction by members and include many wonderful quilt tops, wall hangings, cross-stitch items, yards of materials, clothing, books, patterns, etc. This is our annual auction in October. The chairperson receives the donated items, and helps with the action.
Raffle Quilt Tickets: Print tickets for members to sell. Sell raffle tickets at meetings and other events. Collect money from members that have sold tickets. Proceeds go to the guild.
Raffle Quilt Custodian: Hold the Raffle Quilt when it is not being displayed. Should help with delivery of quilt to various locations for display to sell tickets.
Raffle Quilt for 2011: Making of a minimum of a queen size quilt for the guild. Money is available for materials.
Secret Pals: Every six months members fill out a form about them-selves (birthday, favorite colors, patterns and quilting techniques, etc.) and names are secretly drawn for a ―pal‖ to get to know. With the information provided on the form, members have a chance to surprise their pal with little gifts and cards. Chairperson coordinates secret pals, and ―revealing‖ of pals every six months.
Webmaster: Maintains and makes changes to the guild’s web page.
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